The vocal ensemble Kantaduri was founded in 2008, at the initiative of Katarina Livljanić, for the needs of the Dalmatica project. The ensemble, led by the ethnomusicologist Joško Ćaleta, gathers experienced (klapa) singers who are also successful artistic directors, composers, arrangers, and music producers in the field of klapa singing and related traditional musical genres. Kantaduri endeavour at representing various examples from Croatian vocal traditional heritage of the areas of Dinara and the Adriatic by offering the experience of joint public performance. Their activity is periodical, which is a novelty and curiosity in the practice of the klapa movement, usually represented by ensembles with permanent members and defined by the constant nature of their activities and performances. The talented young ethno musician Jure Miloš from Grude (in western Herzegovina) joined Kantaduri in their new project Petrified Voices. This excellent signer of Dinara chants (ganga, brojka, putničko) and player of instruments from the Dinara area (gusle, diple, svirale, lijerica) acquired his musical knowledge by learning directly from his elders (oral tradition), which is the usual, centuries-old practice in the region.