Korkyra baroque festival

Wladimir Kossjanenko

Wladimir Kossjanenko

Russian born Austrian-Croatian violist and conductor Wladimir Kossjanenko studied viola from with V. Stopitchev in St. Petersburg, with H. P. Ochsenhofer and T. Kakuska at the Vienna University and with M. Kugel at the Royal Conservatory in Ghent, Belgium. Between 1993 and 1998 he performed with Vienna Philharmonic and with Graz Philharmonic Orchestra. From 1998 to 2007 he was a member of the Hugo Wolf Quartet. He has appeared at the most prestigious concert venues such as: Carnegie Hall New York, Suntory Hall Tokyo, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Royal Albert & Wigmore Hall London, Berliner Philharmonie, Tchaikovsky Conservatory Moscow etc. Since 2008 he has been teaching at the Academy of Arts of Split. In 2012 he founded the festival “Days of J.S.Bach in Split” and “The Virtuosos of Split”, string orchestra that he couducts and directs.